Why continue to smoke?

Every smoking related article that I read in the news or in a blog is always about the reasons why you should quit smoking.
I just read another one now…”smoking will block your arteries blah blah blah”.
Do they honestly think that smokers are that stupid and don’t know all this stuff?
I knew all the bad stuff about smoking but it didn’t stop me. The only thing that stopped me after 20 years of puffing away was changing the way I thought about it and finally understanding the truth.
I think this quote from the UK Observer newspaper sums it up wonderfully…
“I stopped smoking not because it causes cancer, not because it smells nasty, not because anyone disapproves. I stopped because Allen Carr explained why there was no point continuing….”
So stop worrying about the reasons why you shouldn’t smoke. Instead, ask yourself the question, why would I continue to smoke?!
(You can get a detailed answer to that question at our seminars)

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