In The Media
Clubs NSW
Mens Health
At the close, there was more anticlimactic choreography: each of us was made to stand up in turn and throw our lighter and remaining cigarettes into a bin next to our jubilant seminar leader.
It’s difficult to put into words how I felt after that – or have done since then. I certainly experienced no sense of conversion or fundamental change in my mindset. I didn’t feel magically cured of my addiction. But staring out of the window on the train home, I recall watching a woman of similar age standing awkwardly in a doorway. Her body was contorted and her face scrunched up as she vainly tried to smoke her Superking while avoiding the wind and drizzle. She was wet. She didn’t look as if she was enjoying herself at all. But she persisted. And at that precise moment, it struck me as the most bizarre thing I’d ever seen. All I could think was: why? Why would you do that to yourself?
Once upon a time, if someone had asked me the same question, I might have answered with a petulant, albeit unconvincing, “Why not?”
But now I can say quite plainly: “Because I don’t have to.”
OK Magazine
The Observer
Take 5 Magazine
To say goodbye to cigarettes you have to believe it’s possible. I did and I haven’t missed them!
Sydney Morning Herald
I don’t feel like I’m giving up anything, in fact I’ve gotten something back; my self-respect, my lungs; my sense of control over my life.
Bride To Be
Yes it’s the most amazing and easy system that helped me give up smoking after 20 years, just like THAT…
Natalie, 42, had tried everything over 20 years to stop smoking and found her solution in Allen Carr’s Easyway. Since May 31st is World No Tobacco Day, why not read and get inspired by her story …?
Authority Magazine
Natalie Clays of Allen Carr’s Easyway: Second Chapters; How I Reinvented Myself In The Second Chapter Of My Life
Many successful people reinvented themselves in a later period in their life. Jeff Bezos worked in Wall Street before he reinvented himself and started Amazon. Sara Blakely sold office supplies before she started Spanx. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was a WWE wrestler before he became a successful actor and filmmaker. Arnold Schwarzenegger went from a bodybuilder, to an actor to a Governor. McDonald’s founder Ray Croc was a milkshake-device salesman before starting the McDonalds franchise in his 50’s.
How does one reinvent themselves? What hurdles have to be overcome to take life in a new direction? How do you overcome those challenges? How do you ignore the naysayers? How do you push through the paralyzing fear?
In this series called “Second Chapters; How I Reinvented Myself In The Second Chapter Of My Life “ we are interviewing successful people who reinvented themselves in a second chapter in life, to share their story and help empower others.
As a part of this interview series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Natalie Clays.
Human Resources Magazine
I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to stop smoking, and to companies that want to make a difference to the lives of their employees and the bottom line.
Kyle & Jackie O
Hear Jackie O and some of her 2Day FM listeners during their quit smoking session.
Natalie Clays chats with Kyle and Jackie O on the 2Day FM breakfast show.
Body & Soul
It’s been 12 weeks since we gave up smoking. We count down the weeks, and it’s a victory countdown.
6PR’s Millsy chatting with Dianne Fisher about how he quit the Easyway. Click play below to hear the full interview…

Five months on, the nicotine monster still lays silent. People are proud of me for stopping. I’m not. I’m just bloody relieved.
If you’re still trying to quit, consider the method that worked for Ashton Kutcher, Ellen Degeneres and Anthony Hopkins.
ABC Radio
Natalie discusses the impact of Covid on smoking and drinking with presenter Bec Chave.
5 Minute NP Podcast

Hear Natalie talk about her quit smoking journey and how Allen Carr’s Easyway changed her life.
Listen: The 5-Minute NP Podcast
Watch: https://youtu.be/SideWQT74tU