Yes, I am delighted to say that the nasty little nicotine monster is dead!!!
I already feel amazing in such a short time – I have more energy, I have been exercising, I feel happier in general. My friends and family are also commenting that there is a noticeable difference in my appearance such as my eyes & skin being clearer and just looking “brighter” overall!
I was initially a little sceptical, thinking how can a 1 day course remove my desire to smoke but it absolutely did and I have to say I have suffered very little.
On Sunday evening after the course, I was a little teary (I don’t know why, but just a little emotional) but did not want to smoke – the next few days, although I didn’t want a cigarette, I found myself a little lost ….
sometimes, I would go to have a cigarette and then remind myself that I was no longer a smoker – it was a habitual thing rather than actually wanting a cigarette. I had to travel to Sydney for work on Thursday last week, and spent Thursday night in a beer garden at a pub in the city surrounded with smokers and had absolutely no desire to smoke – I think that was my time of revelation, I am no longer a smoker and never will be.
I will certainly recommend Easyway to my friends, I feel amazing all thanks to you and Easyway.
Thank you so much for setting me free!My brother who lives in Sydney is very interested!