Recently Ellen announced to millions of US TV viewers that she had finally quit smoking, using the method created by British-born Allen Carr. Ellen is the latest in a long line of celebrities to adopt the method in order to stop smoking. She started her chat show with a humorous, yet emotional announcement that she had finally quit smoking, after …
Sir Anthony Hopkins
It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like my friends I found it not only easy but also unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped. Hear more…
Anjelica Huston
Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking Program achieved for me a thing that I thought was not possible – to give up a thirty year smoking habit literally overnight. It was nothing short of a miracle.
Chrissy Hynde
I think it is easy to see that the moral of my story is that drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, only cause suffering. I used Allen Carr’s Easyway and I stopped.
Kat Kupsch
Walk in a smoker and walk out a non-smoker – this is the only way to stop smoking AND be perfectly HAPPY about it …, its amazing, once you get it – you get it!!
Gillian Scott
The Allen Carr’s easy way to quit smoking course gave me all the tools I needed to stop smoking forever. I say ever because I could think of nothing more horrid than putting a cigarette in my mouth and I used to smoke up to 25 a day in the end. I smoked for 25 years and I am free. …
Domenic Nicholas Miloni
This course & the lady that runs it Natalie saved & changed my life . Everyday since I’ve done the course 8 years ago I’ve been free & happy 😊 from smoking . ❤️ Nick
Ginny Joy Marie
Finding out about Allen Carr is the best thing to have happened in my life. This may sound dramatic, but the EasyWay method has freed me from being trapped by addictions to nicotine, alcohol and sugar, leading to a boost in self-esteem, happiness, wellbeing, health, confidence and self-love. I’m certain that years will now be added to my life. The …
Kathryn Jolley
I attended the Stop Alcohol session in Melbourne on Sunday and it is now Friday and I am humbled and elated that I have no desire to drink, especially as Friday night use to be about after work drinks with straight whiskey. I can feel my body healing and my mind clearing after many years of heavy drinking. It was …
Rachel Wallace
I went to the seminar very sceptical that it would work, I also kind of didn’t want it to work because I was afraid I would miss smoking as I believed I thoroughly enjoyed it. I left the seminar a non smoker and felt ‘back to normal,’ the seminar had rewired how I saw smoking. I didn’t have any withdrawals, …