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Ellen DeGeneres

In by Nic Zab

Recently Ellen announced to millions of US TV viewers that she had finally quit smoking, using the method created by British-born Allen Carr. Ellen is the latest in a long line of celebrities to adopt the method in order to stop smoking. She started her chat show with a humorous, yet emotional announcement that she had finally quit smoking, after …

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Sir Anthony Hopkins

In by Nic Zab

It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like my friends I found it not only easy but also unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped. Hear more…

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Anjelica Huston

In by Nic Zab

Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking Program achieved for me a thing that I thought was not possible – to give up a thirty year smoking habit literally overnight. It was nothing short of a miracle.

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Chrissy Hynde

In by Nic Zab

I think it is easy to see that the moral of my story is that drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, only cause suffering. I used Allen Carr’s Easyway and I stopped.

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Ashton Kutcher

In by Nic Zab

Ashton Kutcher joins the long list of celebrities who’ve found it easy to quit smoking using Allen Carr’s Easyway. In his latest Hollywood film, Kutcher plays a troubled young man who enlists with the Coast Guard. In preparation for this physically demanding role, he stopped smoking with the help of Allen Carr. Hear Ashton talk about it with Jay Leno…

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In by Nic Zab

I quit when I got pregnant by reading Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking. That really worked for me. (And now) Willow makes me not want to (smoke). And besides, unlike before, cigarettes smell repulsive to me.

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Sir Richard Branson

In by Nic Zab

His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and my staff. Hear Richard talk about Allen Carr…