Quitting smoking using Allen Carr’s Easyway – is the Easyway to freedom. I had been caught in the smoking trap for over 35 years. Once I understood the instructions completely – I have been able to enjoy my life without cigarettes.
Serena Sicuri
I attended Natalie’s seminar 13+ years ago. Bingo! After 44 years of smoking I was finally free!!! What a wonderful feeling of being finally free of a habit and addiction to having that must have puff!!!! It was a wonderful experience and I would recommend it to all of you die hardy smokers! I was one of you! And I …
Maddi Empson
It is so hard to express how much this works – I was a chain smoker for seven years and my fiance for three – we have just celebrated our two year anniversary of being totally free after an Allen Carr seminar from Vickie in Wellington. If you are considering the Easyway, get your hands on the book or get …
Karthikeyan Vivek
Hi, I’m Karthik from India. I was a heavy smoker for 18 years and failed to stop smoking numerous times. One day I came across Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking method in Google search, then I did some research and felt ok with reviews more over feedback from medical practitioners were encouraging and this unique method helped me to …
Sedat Papagan
It’s awesome. Just do it!
Kat Kupsch
Walk in a smoker and walk out a non-smoker – this is the only way to stop smoking AND be perfectly HAPPY about it …, its amazing, once you get it – you get it!!
Gillian Scott
The Allen Carr’s easy way to quit smoking course gave me all the tools I needed to stop smoking forever. I say ever because I could think of nothing more horrid than putting a cigarette in my mouth and I used to smoke up to 25 a day in the end. I smoked for 25 years and I am free. …
Amy Shiell
It truly Works! I was sceptical but it will change your life forever!
Kim Greeve
I have tried many different ways over many years and the Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking has made this attempt successful and painless. It has reinforced that smoking is an illusion and I can be free. It is not using will power and is not about denying myself, it’s about smoking is an illusion, a drug addiction and something …
Fatima Ferizovic- Agovic
I finished the book yesterday and am now a NON SMOKER! Cant believe it! Amazing! What a genius allen carr is!