Quit Sugar & Weight Loss Seminars
Allen Carr's Easyway to Quit Sugar is different to other methods to lose weight. It’s not a diet, but instead a new way of looking at the foods that we eat.
Low carb, high fat, low fat, keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, calorie counting etc, there’s so much information available to us, knowing what to eat and when has become a confusing subject.
Most people believe they get some pleasure or benefit from eating refined sugar, junk food or processed carbohydrates and most approaches to weight loss suggest making a sacrifice or giving something up; not being allowed to eat what you want to eat.
You might fear that even if you do succeed in quitting you’ll be miserable and feel deprived for the rest of your life and struggle to control it.
In addition to that fear, there’s also the fear of the downsides of your sugar addiction; the health worries, the stigma, the cost, the lack of control.
These are the fears that keep you hooked on the wrong foods.
Allen Carr’s Easyway is about understanding why you’re driven to eat unhealthy foods and changing your relationship with them so that you don’t want to eat them; at the same time removing the fear that keeps you hooked.
The small group seminars are effective regardless of whether your issue is cakes, biscuits, burgers, pizza, ice cream, fizzy drinks, lollies etc so by changing the way you think about eating, we'll get sugar and junk food out of your mouth, and your head, for good.
If we focus on achieving optimal health and wellness first, the likely side effects are weight loss, increased energy, clearer skin and a happier, healthier lifestyle.
upcoming seminars
How Allen Carr's Method Works
The seminar will help you understand why you eat what you eat and why you have found it difficult to stop in the past, regardless of which diets you’ve tried.
The sugar and weight loss seminars are designed to change your perception of eating. We don't focus on the reasons you should stop which you already know; instead we'll look at the reasons why you continue to eat the way you do, despite the disadvantages. Once you truly understand these, sugar and junk foods will no longer be an issue for you.
There are no scare tactics or graphic images of the harm that bad sugar does; you know that already.
Instead, we examine and correct the misconceptions that keep all junk eaters trapped and whilst you are physically addicted to bad sugar, you may be surprised to learn that your addiction is mostly mental.
This is the most important aspect of losing weight & quitting sugar with Allen Carr’s Easyway; as long as we ‘get your head right’, quitting sugar and junk food is easy.
By the end of the seminar, you’ll be able to look forward to a future of freedom from bad eating habits.
You’ll learn to follow your natural instincts, avoid guilt and remorse, enjoy the flavour of fresh foods, re-educate your taste buds, and let appetite be your guide rather than your enemy.
There are no points to count or difficult recipes to follow; no prescribed meal plans to stick to and you won’t feel miserable or deprived.
Instead, your relationship with food will change and enable you to genuinely enjoy a healthier way of eating.
More detail: How Allen Carr's method works.

the seminar program
Positive & Empowering
The program consists of a 7 hour live and interactive seminar with an experienced facilitator.
Most people find the initial seminar is enough to find freedom from junk food but shorter booster sessions are available for those that need a little extra support.
All seminars are conducted live online by Zoom.
We'll cover...
We also offer private one to one seminars and if you think your workplace might be keen to help their employees, we have a corporate program too.
If you would like us to run a seminar in your city, please register your interest and we can talk about options.
For online seminars you will need a reliable internet connection, a desktop, laptop or tablet with a camera and microphone and a quiet comfortable space where you can be fully engaged for the duration of the seminar.
The seminars are led by experienced Allen Carr’s Easyway facilitators who have successfully used the method to quit easily and happily themselves.
your quit sugar & weight loss coach
Gill's Story

I had always been an emotional eater and addicted to sugar.
My health was suffering; I had developed fatty liver and was suffering with inflammation. My self-esteem was at an all-time low and I struggled with my moods.
When it came to my eating I was completely out of control; in denial about where the source of my problem was really coming from.
Read: my quitting story