How To Give Up Smoking Even If You’re Not Quite Ready

Have you ever wondered how to give up smoking, even though you feel that now might not be the best time? Is it even possible?
The answer is yes, absolutely it’s possible, providing you have the correct information to begin with.
Let’s look at this question another way. Do you want to be a smoker for the rest of your life? Absolutely no way, no smoker does.
What this means is that you want to quit smoking one day…but right now you’re either too scared or just simply don’t know how to.
As smokers we’ll always make excuses to put off the dreaded day:
- I’m not ready; now isn’t the right time for me
- I can’t afford it at the moment
- I’ll feel deprived and that I’m missing out
- The withdrawals will be awful
- I need to wait until all of the stress has gone from my life etc etc
There’s only one true reason why we make all of these excuses and it’s fear.
Fear of missing out, fear of loss, fear of losing our best friend, fear of having to go through awful withdrawals, fear of going through the rest of our lives feeling miserable and deprived.
All of this fear is caused by the cigarette, not relieved by it. Non-smokers don’t have it.
During my 13 years as a quit smoking therapist I’ve personally seen thousands of smokers, and there have been a good number who have absolutely, categorically told me they do not want to quit smoking. They’re only there because a loved one has booked them in.
Of course, I always offer them a get out and a refund which they never take.
Five hours later they’ve thrown their cigarettes in the bin and are walking out smiling, happy and feeling free, confident that they’ll never smoke again, now understanding the truth about smoking.
There’s no such thing as it not being the right time to quit smoking – only scared to quit smoking, but once you understand the truth about it, even the most committed, long term smokers can give up smoking easily and happily.

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