Have my own business, 3 young boys, busy life and always believing I needed to smoke to help control my stress. Did the course recently, went in a pack a day smoker, not overly keen to quit but knew I had too… walked out a happy non smoker. First week smoke free was much easier than expected, some slight head ache feelings and a little tired but never grumpy or stressed. This is what the course does, re wires how you think towards smoking without touching on scare tactics with negative health implications etc. In a way you walk out with the mindset of someone that doesn’t smoke and pumped about it. Soon the energy comes back, better sense of smell and taste and the wallet is thankful! Being allowed to smoke throughout the 5 hour course was important and by the time of your last cig, you will surprisingly find yourself not wanting it. So try the course, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain!